Local elections matter

Especially the upcoming primary on June 22nd.

The last city election this big was 20 years ago, scheduled for September 11th, 2001.

Then and now, New Yorkers will choose leaders to help our city recover and rebuild. There were over 300 candidates running then. There are over 500 candidates running now.

NYC faces many challenges from addressing economic uncertainty and racial injustice to providing quality healthcare and improving public education. All while confronting the grief and trauma of a Covid-19 pandemic that wreaked havoc on this city, and beyond.

This June, every citywide office is on the ballot. This is our chance to choose leaders who can expand access to Covid-19 testing and vaccines, and help schools and businesses safely reopen.

Now, with Ranked Choice Voting, New Yorkers will have even more say in city elections by having the option to rank up to 5 candidates in order of preference instead of choosing just one.

Our future is on the ballot, NYC. So make your voice heard.

A photo of a woman wearing a mask that says vote.

“I firmly believe that everybody can make a difference in this world and one way to do that is to vote." -@risaxu

Offices on the Ballot

June 22nd Primary Election

  • Mayor
  • Public Advocate
  • Comptroller
  • Borough President
  • City Council