For the primary election on June 22, you can vote early, by mail, or on Election Day. 

Three Ways to Vote

  Vote Early

You don’t have to wait until Election Day to vote in person! Early voting starts on June 12 and is available every day through June 20.

The only difference between voting early and voting on Election Day is where and when you vote. Your early voting site may be different from your Election Day poll site, and hours vary.
Learn more about voting early

  Vote by Mail

If you are unable to vote in person, have health or safety concerns, or just want to vote from the comfort of home, you can vote by mail!

Currently, all NYC voters are eligible to vote by mail due to COVID-19. It takes less than two minutes to request your ballot from the NYC Board of Elections.
Learn more about voting by mail

  Election Day

Just like the old days, you can vote in person on Election Day this June 22. Polls are open from 6am-9pm. 

You must vote at your assigned poll site.
Learn more about election day

Find my poll site

Where to Vote

Visit the Board of Elections website to find out where you can vote!

Find my poll site
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Request Absentee Ballot

You can request your absentee ballot from the NYC Board of Elections

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