All NYC voters can vote by mail

Voting by mail is a safe, easy, and secure way to cast your vote! This is a great option if you are unable to vote in person, have health or safety concerns, or just want to vote from the comfort of home.

The deadline to request an absentee ballot for the June 22 primary is June 15. We recommend requesting your absentee ballot as soon as possible.

Why are all New York voters eligible?

Currently, all NYC voters are eligible to vote by mail due to COVID-19. A recent law gives all NYC voters the option to vote by mail in 2021. 

Did you know: Over 33x more voters requested absentee ballots in the June 2020 presidential primary election than in the 2016 presidential primary election.

How to Vote by Mail

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I still vote in person if I request or submit an absentee ballot?

Yes! If you vote in person after requesting or submitting an absentee ballot, your absentee ballot is automatically disqualified. Only your in person vote will count. You can either vote early or on Election Day. You do not need to bring your ballot with you.

Can I vote absentee in person?

Sounds strange, but it’s true! You can vote absentee in person at your borough’s Board of Elections office. Offices are open 9am-5pm Monday through Friday, and on the weekend prior to Election Day. This can be a helpful option if you miss the deadline to request a ballot online or by mail. On Election Day offices are open until 9pm. Find your local Board of Elections office.

Can I join a permanent absentee ballot list?

Yes! If you are permanently ill or disabled and cannot get to your poll site, you can join the Board of Elections permanent absentee ballot list. To join, check the box marked “permanent illness or physical disability” on the absentee ballot application. The Board of Elections will automatically send you an absentee ballot application for every election you are qualified to vote in.

What happens if the Board of Elections doesn’t receive my ballot by Election Day?

The Board of Elections can receive ballots up to seven days after Election Day. However, you must postmark by June 22 for your ballot to be valid.

Request Now

Request an Absentee Ballot

You can request your absentee ballot from the NYC Board of Elections

Request Now
Track my Ballot

Track my Absentee Ballot

You can track your ballot online from the NYC Board of Elections

Track my Ballot