There are more than 5.5 million registered voters in NYC. Are you one of them?

You must be registered to vote to cast your ballot. The deadline to register for the June 22 primary is May 28. So don’t wait!
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NYC Votes has partnered with TurboVote to make registering to vote easy! It takes just 5 minutes.

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Registering to vote in NYC

Here’s everything you need to know about registering to vote in NYC. 


You are eligible to register to vote if you are:

  • a U.S. citizen
  • a New York City resident for at least 30 days
  • at least 16 years old (you can pre-register to vote at 16 or 17, but you must be 18 to vote)


How to Register

There are several ways to register to vote. Here are your options:

If you have a New York State ID
You can register to vote online with the New York Department of Motor Vehicles. You will need a valid NYS driver license, permit, or non-driver ID, along with the last four digits of your social security number to begin.

Register to vote online

If you do not have a New York State ID
You can complete a voter registration form and mail it to the Board of Elections. You can also visit your Borough Board of Elections office to register in person.

Download voter registration form

Find your local NYC Board of Elections office


No state ID and no printer?
With TurboVote, you can digitally fill out a form and have them print and mail it to you, so you can sign and return to the Board of Elections. The platform also works on mobile, so you don’t even need a computer.

Get started with print-free registration


Pre-register to vote in NYC

If you are 16 or 17 years old, you can pre-register to vote! After pre-registering, you will automatically become registered on your 18th birthday. What could be a better present than that?

To pre-register, just follow the instructions above on registering to vote in NYC.

Top FAQs

Do I need to update my voter registration if I move?

Yes! When you move, you should change your address with the Board of Elections by submitting a new voter registration form. Complete the section labeled “Voting information that has changed” by entering your old address. If you would like to become a member of a political party, or remain a member of your current political party, make sure to select your political party on your registration. In order to vote in the June 22 primary election, your change of address must be received by the Board of Elections by June 2.

Do I have to join a political party when I register?

No. You do not have to join a political party when you register to vote. However, only members of political parties are eligible to vote in primary elections. So if you’d like to vote in primary elections for a particular party, you should join that party when you register. Learn more about primary elections.

Can I change my party affiliation after I register to vote?

Yes! To update your party affiliation, you must submit a new voter registration form. On your form, make sure to select the political party that you would like to join. The deadline for already registered voters to change their party affiliation before the June 22 primary was February 14. However, new voters can register and join a political party through May 28.

Can I register to vote if I have a felony conviction?

If you are currently on probation you have the right to vote. If you were previously registered, your voter record should still be active. Check your voter registration status.

If you are currently on parole, and have been pardoned, you have the right to vote. In 2018, Governor Cuomo granted conditional pardons to those on parole to restore voting rights. Check the status of your pardon.