What you need to know

Our future is on the ballot, NYC. Every citywide office is on the ballot in the June 22 primary election. 

This is the first primary election in NYC to use Ranked Choice Voting. That means you can rank up to five candidates in order of preference instead of choosing just one. Learn more about Ranked Choice Voting.

There are three ways to cast your ballot:

Early Voting

Don’t wait until Election Day! You can vote early in person starting on June 12th.
Learn More about early voting

Vote by Mail

All NYC voters can vote by mail in the primary election this June.
Learn more about voting by mail

Election Day

Polls are open on Election Day from 6am-9pm.
Learn More about election day

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Register to Vote

NYC Votes is partnering with TurboVote to help you register to vote with confidence in less than 5 minutes.

Register Now
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Where to Vote

Visit the Board of Elections website to find out where you can vote!

Find my poll site

Top FAQs

What’s on the ballot?

There is a citywide primary election on June 22, including races for Mayor, Public Advocate, Comptroller, Borough President, and City Council. In primary elections, you decide which candidate will be your party’s nominee for the general election. Meet the candidates.

What is Ranked Choice Voting?

Starting in 2021, NYC will use Ranked Choice Voting in primary and special elections for city offices. That means you can rank up to five candidates in order of preference instead of choosing just one in the primary election on June 22. Learn more about Ranked Choice Voting.

What support is available for voters with disabilities?

Voters with disabilities can access the ballot in different ways, and can use Ballot Marking Devices at their poll site. These devices offer four ways to mark your ballot. Accessible absentee ballots are also available from the NYC Board of Elections. Lastly, you have the right to bring someone to help you vote or to ask a poll worker for help! Learn more about accessibility.