Our city. Our future.

We Power NYC is an initiative by young people, for young people. The We Power NYC Ambassador Program is for New Yorkers aged 14-24 who are committed to increasing youth engagement in local elections. 

Ambassadors become voting experts by participating in weekly meetings, engaging with local history, hosting Voter Mobilization events in their communities, and sharing critical non-partisan information on their social media.

You deserve a say in how things are run. So make your voice heard!


2020 Ambassadors Final Projects

On August 26, 2020, the inaugural cohort of We Power NYC Ambassadors presented their final research projects.

Our 32 We Power NYC Youth Ambassadors were a diverse group of young people aged 14-24 years old from all 5 boroughs. Over the course of the summer, they were trained in election information and digital organizing and worked on various Get Out the Vote projects. 

The culmination of their work was to research a specific topic within one of the following issue areas: Racial Justice, Gender and Queer Justice, Environmental Justice, Election Reform, Education, Immigration, and Urban Planning.

The goal of these projects was to research how state and local governments influence their chosen topics and to inform other young people of how to get involved in activism around the issue.

Presentations (in the order they were presented)

Final Research Packets

Meet the Ambassadors

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